The film is being converted to the 3 D format and will also be dubbed in Tamil and Telugu for release. The film shall hits cinemas this winter and is slated for release on 23rd December worldwide. The film’s producer, “Ritesh Sidhwani said, “There is a huge demand for the brand DON, also our audiences must be expecting much more and beyond just cinema from the sequel so hence a 3D format. We did a few 3D conversion tests on DON 1 and the conversion outcome was very good.
SRK's Don 2 will now to be showcased in 3D
The film is being converted to the 3 D format and will also be dubbed in Tamil and Telugu for release. The film shall hits cinemas this winter and is slated for release on 23rd December worldwide. The film’s producer, “Ritesh Sidhwani said, “There is a huge demand for the brand DON, also our audiences must be expecting much more and beyond just cinema from the sequel so hence a 3D format. We did a few 3D conversion tests on DON 1 and the conversion outcome was very good.
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