
Can Lady Gaga crack India? | Lady Gaga singer

Friday, June 17, 2011

Lady Gaga, who has millions of fans around the world, is trying to expand her reach in one of the world's largest consumer bases - India.

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, she spoke of her ambitions.

"The reason I'm going to India now is because I can," she says. "I didn't have the money or the resources before to travel and bring all of my things with me and reach an entire new territory of fans."

It is a fanbase which could prove extremely lucrative if she's able to capture it.

With a growing economy, and a population of more 700 million people under the age of 30, India's rising middle classes have more money to spend.

Bollywood music is still the most popular genre, which might explain why, as part of her mission, Lady Gaga has remixed a number of her songs to give them a more Indian flavour.
She has released four mixes of Judas and Born This Way, reversioned by the American-Indian music company Desi Hits, which creates East-West "fusion" content targeted at South Asians the world over
Recruited as remixers are Salim and Sulamain, two of Bollywood's most popular composers, and Panjabi MC. A reworked Judas adds the melancholy sound of the sitar and the soft beats of a Tabla drum.
"Bollywood is so vibrant and colourful and larger than life in many ways - and Lady Gaga is too," says Anjula Acharia-Bath, CEO of Desi Hits.
"I think it's natural that she would gravitate towards that."
Lady Gaga has been eyeing India and Bollywood for some time, says Acharia-Bath, and she's expressed an interest in singing Born This Way in Hindi.


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